The Nappy Lady Ltd
The Nappy Lady Reviews

At What Age Will Your Child Be Out Of Nappies?

At What Age Will Your Child Be Out Of Nappies?

Bear in mind that most children can control their bowels before their bladder.

by age 1, most babies have stopped doing poos at night
by age 2, some children will be dry during the day, but this is still quite early
by age 3, 9 out of 10 children are dry most days – even then, all children have the odd accident, especially when they're excited, upset or absorbed in something else
by age 4, most children are reliably dry during the day

It usually takes a little longer for children to learn to stay dry throughout the night.

Although most learn this between the ages of 3 and 5, up to 1 in 5 children aged 5 sometimes wet the bed.