Baba & Boo Reusable Nappies
Reusable nappy company Baba+Boo is on a mission to help parents live simpler, more sustainable lives by offering a more environmentally-friendly alternative to single-use plastic nappies.
Every year millions of nappies find their way into landfill or strewn on our beaches, choking our sealife and harming our ecosystems. That’s why Baba+Boo launched its simple, reusable nappies, in order to help reduce the reliance on unsustainable options.
Nappies are just another part of our throwaway culture, with an average of three billion nappies being thrown away every year in the UK (Wrap). Many people aren’t aware that single-use nappies are a big contributor to plastic pollution, with many taking up to 500 years to decompose.
Baba+Boo is on a mission to get parents thinking differently about reusable nappies by reframing the conversations and showing just how easy, cost-effective and stylish they are. Eve Bell founded Baba+Boo when she was on maternity leave with two children under two, she comments:
“For me, Baba+Boo was a passion project which has spiralled into something which I truly love. I still get goosebumps when I read reviews and testimonials from our customers on how our products have helped their busy lives.”
We are driven by two purposes: reduce waste and increase kindness. Our nappies are simple to use, kind to babies and the planet. We have a lovely community of like minded parents who love to help each other by sharing advice about nappies and parenting.