Lazy EC

Any amount of EC is of course not lazy. But “lazy EC” is a term some people use to describe attempting to catch some wees or poos at times that are convenient to the parent or caregiver, rather than getting fully in tune with baby’s rhythms and aiming to catch as much as possible.
It’s still possible to be strategic though. Sitting baby on the potty first thing in the morning can mean catching all the day’s poo for some babies, and any poo caught is less poo to clean up from both nappy and baby!
Even offering once a day will help your baby become familiar and comfortable with the potty, which can help make potty training go more smoothly when you get there.
If you're starting before baby is sitting unsupported, it's worth looking at The Nappy Lady's Traditional Top Hat Potty or for extra security with a baby boy, the EasyPisi Top Hat Potty
Many parents choose to start around 6 months, to reduce clean up of weaning poos from nappies, and as a bonus baby is beginning to sit unsupported. At this stage the Bumbo Step'n'Potty is great as it can be used as a potty or toilet seat reducer, and the insert is soft and supportive for little bodies. With the integrated step it can take your baby all the way to toilet independence.