The Nappy Lady Ltd
The Nappy Lady Reviews

New Brand & Supplier Enquiries

Do you have a product you think would be a great addition for The Nappy Lady?

If you do then you have found the right page!

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Nappy Lady™ supplier and having your nappies or products being stocked in our store. We offer a huge selection of the best reusable nappies available in the UK, and are always looking out for new ranges that would compliment our collection.

What we offer?

The Nappy Lady™ is the UK's largest and oldest online independent reusable nappy retailer and have been selling nappies since 1999. We are the store that parents come to for advice on using and buying reusable nappies. Having your brand on The Nappy Lady's™ website puts you in front of new parents across the UK and internationally.

We support brands from the very smallest to the very largest. We are believe in fair terms and swift payment to you.

How to apply to join our range?

Our reputation with our clients is one built on trust and so we are vigilant with our process when considering any new brand.

Below is the 5 steps we take for a new product or brand to join The Nappy Lady™ family.

Step 1. Safety Certification

Firstly, before we can consider stocking any product or sending it to our team for testing we would need to see the appropriate safety certification.

The UK has strict rules on children's clothing (which nappies come under) and it is our responsibility as a retailer to ensure that any product we stock meets these regulations. This would include but not be limited to PD CEN/TS 17394-1:2021 for popper security.

Safety testing must be legitimate. As obvious as this sounds sadly we have come across many cases where overseas factories have provided certification but it is fake and not really compliant. There are UK testing companies that carry out tests to prove your product is safe and meets BSi safety standards for children's products.

Safety testing is critical for obvious reasons. Do not cut corners on testing and ensure your product is legal.

Sadly this is where many brands that approach us fail to progress any further as they can not prove they meet the British safety standards. If you see a brand on other sites but not ours there might be a very good reason why it's not with us.

Step 2. Product Liability Insurance

Next we need to see a copy of your insurance.

Business insurance is very important. When you are the manufacturer of a product you must have product liability insurance. I'm sure the worst will never happen but you need insurance just incase!

The Nappy Lady™ as a responsible retailer and employer holds their own business insurance including but not limited to employer insurance and product liability insurance but our manfacturers must also hold their own insurance (this is a normal business requirement).

Step 3. Product Details

Once the appropriate safety certification and insurance has been provided we would compare the nappies offered against our current range. Any new brand would need to stand out and be different. There would be no benefit to anyone for us to stock 10 different brands that all look and function exactly the same.

We want to see new innovative products that our customers will be excited about or products that match an underserved market niche.

Step 4. Samples

If we think your product may appeal to our customers then the final step would be to send us some samples which we would send out to our testers.

We have an excellent team of very experienced nappy users that will thoroughly test your products and compare them against the whole of the UK nappy range.

Their feedback will be invaluable to you whatever the outcome of the testing.

Step 5. You Join The Nappy Lady™ Family

If the feedback from testing is positive and we love your products then welcome to the family! Lets get an order in with you!  

How to contact us

Please contact Wendy Richards The Nappy Lady direct for new products / new brand consideration.

Wendy can be reached on email at

For Step 4 samples our address to send them to is:

The Nappy Lady Ltd
Unit C
Linsford Business Park
Linsford Lane
GU16 6DL