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Easy Peasy Bimble Nappy for Newborns
Easy Peasy Bimble Nappy for Newborns
Easy Peasy Bimble Nappy for Newborns
Easy Peasy Bimble Nappy for Newborns

Easy Peasy Bimble Nappy for Newborns

(25 Reviews)
£8.99  VAT Free
61 in stock, better hurry!
Product Details

Bimble Nappy Overview

The Bimble is a size 0 newborn nappy which offers excellent containment and absorbency.  The Bimble has a very high cute factor - this could easily be the nappy you keep for showing off cloth nappies to family and friends. The Bimble is a very attractive - and a very attractively priced - size 1 nappy. A lot of thought has gone into the design of both the Bimble and the Bumble, specifically addressing the problems of fit under clothes and of drying speed.

A final bonus: the Bimble is UK made by a small work at home Mum who we have worked with for over 20 years. I do like to support good design from small local businesses.  The Bimble will often show as preorder item as they are incredibly popular and the lovely Alison does sew as fast as she possibly can!  If your due date is within 2 weeks please let us know and we'll ensure Alison who makes them knows we're working to a deadline for you.



The Bimble is a tiny size 0 shaped nappy which covers a smaller weight range than most size 1 nappies. The Bimble never lasted any of my children past 8 weeks (12lbs), although officially it fits to 15lbs. The huge advantage of this is that it is much trimmer than most first size nappies and so will fit easily under normal clothing. Bimbles are epecially suitable for small newborns including premature and multiples.


How do I use it?

Bimbles fasten with Nappi Nippas and are covered by a waterproof wrap such as the Motherease Rikki/Airflow or Rumparooz Newborn wrap. The Bimbles are incredibly popular for the newborn stage due to the complete adjustability offered by the Nappi Nippa fastening. You can make the nappy as snug or as loose as your baby needs rather than being restricted by poppers or velcro positioning.

At nappy change time you would change the inner Bimble nappy and reuse the waterproof cover. For a newborn you would change the outer waterproof cover approximately 3 times a day eg Morning, early afternoon and bedtime or at any time it became soiled with poo.

Once the Bimble is outgrown you would normally be moving onto a Onesize nappy. This may be the companion Onesize Bumble (basically the Bumble is a bigger version of the Bimble) or another type of Onesize nappy.  

If you're new to babies and changing nappies read our article on how often to change a nappy.


Nappy  Fabric

The Bimble is made of four layers of cotton terry and one layer of fleece. The fleece completely covers the inner cotton providing a stay dry layer so no further liners are needed however if you prefer to use disposable paper liners for ease of use, you still can. We recommend the Bambinex paper liners as the best choice however you will still need to fold the paper liner as the Bimble is so tiny.

The Bimble has an attached booster that sits underneath the fleece layer. To speed drying you pull the booster and it hangs out like a tongue. Pulling out the booster increases the surface area of the nappy so it dries quicker. The booster tongue is easily pushed back into the Bimble underneath the fleece once the nappy is dry.

Cotton nappies do go harder over time in hard water areas if they are not tumble dried.  However, the whole inner of the Bimble is fleece lined and fleece will always remain soft. This makes the Bimble especially good if you live in a hard water area and don't have access to a tumble drier as the layer next to babies skin will be completely and always soft.


Why not hire?

The Bimble is such a popular nappy for a newborn Baby, which is why we provide the opportunity to hire a Bimble Kit for those first few months when Baby arrives. This can cost as little as £55 to provide your Baby with all the nappies they need for that newborn stage, allowing you to save your budget for the longer period until 'Little one' is potty trained.

Take a look at our Bimbles newborn hire kit for a cost effective and efficient way to meet your family needs.






Drying Speed
Excellent (Newborns)
High (Newborns)
Super Slim
Change Speed
Ease of Use
Nappi Nippas
Requires a Wrap?
Day or Night
Made In
Oxford, England
Easy Peasy Nappies
Care & Warranty

Easy Peasy Care Guide - Nappies

  • Prewash nappies twice before first use
  • Wash every 2 days
  • Run a rinse/Prewash nappies before your main wash cycle
  • Use a full dose of detergent according to your detergent packaging for heavily soiled items
  • No harsh stain removers or bleach.
  • Wash at 40-60 degrees
  • Do not overload your washing machine aim for 3/4 full when wet.
  • No fabric softeners. They will reduce absorbency.
  • Max wash temperature 60 degrees.
  • Ideally line dry or occasionally tumble dry on cool.

Easy Peasy Warranty

Easy Peasy offer a 6 month warranty from date of purchase not date of first use.  If you believe you have a faulty product then contact The Nappy Lady with details of the fault and photos and we will liaise with Easy Peasy so they can assess your warranty claim.

Easy Peasy are hand made by a WAHM and has an exceptional low fault rate.  We often go through a whole year without any faults reported at all.  We've worked with Easy Peasy for almost 20 years and their quality standards have always been consistently high.

The Easy Peasy product guarantee does NOT cover:

  • leaking (except as related to a manufacturing defect)
  • mis-care
  • wear and tear (pilling, loss of fluff over time, gradual slackening of elastic over time, delamination, thinning of fabric over time etc.)

Easy Peasy decision on any warranty claim is final.

Customer Reviews (25)
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25 Reviews:

New Review
06 August 2023  | 

I brought a variety of tiny baby nappies to try with my prem twins. These are always the ones I reach for first. Soft, absorbent and easy to use with a nippa, they're my favourite. Very sad when my boys outgrew them!


Love them! Containment brilliant, quick to dry, easy to use
15 January 2022  | 

First baby and we dived in from day 1 with the bimbles after filling out the questionnaire. Love them so much! Used with motherease airflow wraps. Easy to get the hang of using a nappy nippa and fitting.
She is now 7 weeks and about 11lbs so just about still squeezing into them.
Easy to wash and quick to dry (air dryer next to wood burner over night).
Containment has been brilliant! Shes EBF so a good few liquidy poops have really tested them.
Really like this system so staying with easy peasy and using a bumble next

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Brilliant newborn nappies
26 October 2021  | 

Arrived very promptly, and absorb really well. Fit nicely onto our 7lb newborn.

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Brilliant newborn nappy
28 September 2021  | 

We have loved using the Bimbles on our newborn - they have probably been our favourite nappy during this stage. Good fitting on our little boy. He is tall and slim, born at 7lbs 2. We used them until he was about 12 weeks old. Excellent containment - we never had leaks unless we put it on wrongly. Used with Motherease Airflows or Thirsties Duo Wraps. Love that they are fleece lined for baby's comfort. They wash well and dry very quickly on an indoor airer. The nippa isn't complicated to use at all and gets a great fit. Highly recommended.

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Great new born nappy
24 September 2021  | 

I tried a few different shaped newborn nappies - Anavy, Little Lambs, Ella's House and these, in addition to muslins. These were my favourite daytime nappy by far (I found Ella's House best for night). The fleece lining kept my little girl's bottom dry, and they are very absorbent. I love nippa nappies. My little girl, 8lb 6oz at birth, grew out of them at 5 weeks though so do be aware they are quite small. Officially they fit to 15lb but I think 12lb is more realistic. My little one is currently 12lb 5oz and I'm stretching the last bit of use out of them. They actually come in a larger size too which is unfortunately not stocked by the Nappy Lady yet. I intend to move up to the next size. I used them with Rumparooz covers to start then Petite Crown - no leaks.

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Lasted Longer than Expected
13 September 2021  | 

These are very nice looking nappies that lasted till our daughter was 4 months old and 12lbs in weight. The absorbency was great - usually even lasting 12 hours overnight. We only very occasionally had poo leaks. We used Motherease Rikki Wraps. Initially an XS but had to size up to S or M at about 10lbs even though the nappies themselves still fit. We found the Nappy Nippa easy to fasten.

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Great, reliable - our newborn go-to!
02 August 2021  | 

We used a variety of nappy for our prior newborn: AIO, shaped, prefold, muslin. This time, we decided to try some bimbles and are kicking ourselves for not ordering more. They are a fast favourite of the lead nappy changer (who was previously skeptical of anything requiring a nippy), and are super quick-drying.

Would definitely recommend!

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Cute and easy but short use
07 January 2021  | 

These are really cute and the nappy fastener was really easy to use. They dry fairly quickly but we haven’t had much use out of them. I’m not sure of the next size but with a decent sized birth weight you may not get much use out the newborn size.

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Easier to use than expected and now our go-to
05 November 2020  | 

Thought that these would be a bit tricky to use but they are so easy with the nappy nippas and brilliant for being able to get good fit. Absorbency is best of any of the several types of reusable nappies we've tried. Have just ordered a load more in next size up.

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Really easy peasy
21 October 2020  | 

We used these nappies with rumparooz newborn covers from when we got home from the hospital until about 2.5 months - now we're using birth to potty nappies which would have been too big at the beginning.

Easy to put on, easy to wash and dry and never had any leaks. We bought ten and sometimes used them and sometimes folded muslins. This meant we could wash every other day.

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Gorgeous little newborn nappy
07 October 2020  | 

I love the newborn bumbles! They’re so quick to dry compared to some of our other two parters and so absorbent! They’re very dinky, so I could see them fitting a tiny baby, they fit my baby from birth really well (my baby is slim legged and long and 8lb 6oz at birth). The only issue I can see is that they’re not going to last long at all size wise, hence the 4 stars not 5 - my little one is only 2 weeks and it put much weight on but the tabs don’t come very far over his tum already.

We’ve found these super simple to use and paired with the airflow wrap we haven’t had a single leak, either wee or poo! I reach for these at night when tired due to the ease of use and I’m very glad I bought some of these nappies

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The best for tiny babies!
29 May 2019  | 

These nappies are so cute. They're so dinky and slim but contain loads! We've had several poo explosions in these and he is a heavy wetter but never a leak. They're easy to use and perfect for tiny babies. My baby was only 6lb 6oz at birth so these were a great fit. Dry super quick and easy to boost too. I don't think they'll fit for long though! I'd hold off buying if you think you'll have a bigger baby!

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poonami proof
18 January 2019  | 

These were fab for our little guy who was born early and quite small! They are bombproof for bf poos. They wash easy and dry relatively quickly - we had them on the washing line and if it was a normal-ish sunny day they were dry by the evening if put out before lunchtime. I love the fact that everything that touches the baby's bum is fleece lined so no worries about getting wet bums...

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14 July 2018  | 

These are super cute and work perfectly on my 6 week old baby girl. She was born 7lbs 6oz and we started using them after one week. Super easy to put on with a nipper, great containment. We use them with the totsbots peanut wrap. Never a leak.

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Good but maybe better for a smaller newborn
06 April 2018  | 

I really anted to love these, they look so cute and tiny. However I found then okay, a bit small on my baby (born 4kg) and I find the nippa a bit fiddly. Also have had a little poo leakage, but might be user error! I actually prefer folded muslins. I use them with motherease and tots bots wraps.

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Super easy to use
22 March 2018  | 

As a FTM, this little nappy is great - my husband likes how simple it is to use, and the fit on our little boy is excellent. A really good daytime nappy. Am using with Rikki wraps.

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Good alrounder
13 November 2017  | 

Good containment, quick drying, absorbent and not bulky. Overall a great newborn nappy. They just didn’t last that long on my chunky baby!

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Excellent newborn nappy
03 November 2016  | 

I've been using the Easy Peasy Bimbles on my baby for 3 weeks and absolutely love them! We used disposables for the first week, as she's our first baby and weren't sure if cloth nappies would be too much extra work or not - looking back I could've started immediately!

The bimble, with motherease wrap, definitely has a cute factor, but obviously that's no good if performance is poor. We've had no poo OR wee leaks, even at night where they've been on for quite a long time, whereas we had a couple with disposables. My baby's bum stays fairly dry due to the fleece lining. They're easy to put on and fasten with a nappi nippa & wrap.

We chose a newborn shaped nappy before moving onto a birth to potty type system when my baby has outgrown the newborn size, partly as we wanted to try the idea of cloth nappies as cheaply as possible before deciding if they were right for us (buying the shaped newborn nappies and wraps is a lot less of a mistake financially than shelling out for a birth to potty set and then thinking cloth nappies are not for us!) However, I actually would recommend the shaped nappies anyway, for performance. Financially they don't save any money on buying nappies as they aren't used for very long, but I think I'll break even or save money over the course of 2 children. This lack of saving over disposables, in the time they're used for, is the only reason I've given 4 stars over 5.

I was worried about the ease of use and the extra work these nappies might entail over disposables, but I have to say, they're easy peasy!! I do a wash every other night and stick them on the line to sun bleach first thing in the morning, then after a couple of hours (or overnight) I stick them in my airing cupboard and they're dry and ready to go in about 12 hours ish. Just have to make sure the fabric at the waistband is definitely dry.

Very pleased with my purchase and all my friends think my baby has the cutest bum in these!! 😂

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I regret returning these
09 October 2015  | 

I purchased a lot of these and then promptly returned them (except one) as they seemed too involved. Putting them on with the nappy nippa, covering with a wrap specially in a skeptical household was not functional but 6 months on, that is the system I use and it works wonderfully. There's no point using an all in one if it leaks and you're constantly having to change clothes and sheets. So even though it was too late for me to use (after investing in a set of all in ones), this I believe is the best solution. Either that or just start off when Bamboozle stretches fit.

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04 September 2015  | 

lovely quality very pleased

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09 July 2015  | 

These are ok - cheap and simple and I only bought one nappy nippa because they dont need washing. They look really cute and like "proper" cloth nappies. They dry quickly and are easy and comfortable to use. They do need boosting though as one wee soaks them

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Good to have a few
05 June 2014  | 

These are great newborn nappies for all the reasons that people have given - slim (fit under newborn size clothes), easy to use with nappi nippa, fast drying, fleece stays soft.

BUT it only takes half a minute to fold a muslin, which is just as slim and I'm not at all convinced the absorbency is any better (although you could add a booster to the pocket). So, although cheaper than other fitted nappies, this is quite an expensive option for something you're only going to use for about 2 months.

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Cute Little Nappies
18 February 2014  | 

really nice and look super cute, not washed yet as baby not due for a few months but we've had a little play and looking forward to using them.

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PERFECT for small newborns
09 September 2013  | 

We used these from birth and we absolutely LOVED them. Our baby was 5lb13oz and they were perfect. It would seem they would also fit extra-small babies too, as the tabs can overlap without making the nappy too bulky at the front.

I purchased 20 of these and it was the perfect amount needed for our little one, provided we kept up with washing every other day. They were super-fast to dry (we hung them in the window). After many washes, the inner part of the nappy stayed extra-soft, but the outer seemed to get a little rough. I suppose that's expected but with the wrap on top anyway, it doesn't make much difference against the skin, as it doesn't touch.
The nappi nippa was easy to use too and after a few practises I found that they these nappies were quicker to put on than a disposible. Provided the wrap is on correctly there should be no leaks either. Even though it's said they can be held together with a single wrap, I would recommend nappi nippas too, for the extra support.

It "officially" fits to 15lbs, but we couldn't use them past 10lbs at most. We found them to get a little tight and they seemed to fall down because of their tiny size. Despite this, I am saving these for my next baby and I would recommend them to anybody.

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28 January 2013  | 

A very sweet, easy to use, light, flexible newborn nappy. I much prefer newborn nappies that don't have a set fastening and can be used with nippas or just folded carefully in the nappy. It allows for more flexibility around the bellybutton area and seems gentler on delicate new babies with nothing to bind them too tightly. The fleece lining of the bimbles is also a plus as it means every part of the nappy that touches baby's skin is soft and dry. Finally, the pocket in the nappy allowing for extra stuffing is useful in terms of extending the life of the nappy because as the baby wets more, absorbency can be boosted without having to move on to a larger sized nappy or one made of different material.

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